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Beware of Fornication

The supreme apostle Paul referenced Num 25: 1, 2 in 1 Cor 10: 8 saying “We should not commit sexual immorality, as some of them did—and in one day twenty-three thousand of them died.” What I have learned as a prophet of King Jesus is that sexual immorality is the active weapon the enemy is using actively in this modern age. The devil understood the impact of sexual sin. Your spirit man is what is in danger when you partake in such. It exposes your spirit man to different demonic attacks. God is against it, he does not permit or tolerate such from anyone. That’s why when you are involved in such conduct, the spirit of the Lord will leave. Your conscience will inform you, constant engagement will suppress your conscience hence, that’s why the majority takes it as normal.

Apostle Paul said “We should not commit sexual immorality” This means if you have ever been involved in it, You should stop it. Don’t make it a continuous action. All around the world, our culture is flooded with sexual messages urging constant gratification.

This is the season for change. I pray may the Lord Jesus Christ whom I serve enlightens your understanding to know him more. Amen.

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