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Always Be Still

I really like how God speaks, he said in his word “Be still, and know that I am God” Psalms 46: 10. Be unbothered, be stress-free, don’t worry. Jesus emphasizes this when he said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28. But to be realistic here, 99% percent of the time when we are confronted or faced with turbulences we get dismayed, we feel frustrated, and this has even led some believers in Christ to doubt. The doubt realm is where the enemy wants you to be. We know from the supernatural law of God, That a “person who doubts should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. James 1:7. It’s a law, our enemies know this and that’s why he does everything possible to make you unstable, bothered, and depressed.

I always like to speak from experiences, and what is TESTED AND PROVEN. Despite Jesus the son of God and the son of man, was faced with severe turbulences, bothered, stress, and was tempted. He did not give in or settle for less. We know he was conceived by the power of the beautiful Holy Spirit, who is the third person of the Trinity. Mary is in did the mother of Jesus in the earth realm. I acknowledge her and patiently await meeting her soon. If there is anything I learned from the life of Jesus is prayers. The same prayer strategy is what I deployed whenever I’m faced with all sorts of life turbulence. The beautiful part is that It works 100% of the time for me, and those I have thoughts. Stillness, Joy, Happiness, Praises, and worship are the domain of God, you’ll only find those in the presence or the environment of God. Remember in his presence there is fullness of JOY, that is where you will function to your full capacities in life.

Turbulences, worries, depression, dismaying, and anxiety are the realm where our enemy lives. In our enemy presence, there is fullness of problems, that’s the nature of him. Our enemy and his entourages are deceivers, he’s a subtle being, he always masquerades in your dreams to deceive you. “He came to Steal, Kill and Destroy. ” John 10:10.

When you are faced with all diverse life problems, always make sure you deploy prayers as part of your strategies to come out from it. Five minutes of aggressive prayer will go a long way to set you free for the rest of your life. It has been TESTED AND PROVEN. When you feel the urge to give up always remember to fall back on prayers. A lot of the time during prayer is where you receive solutions to your specific problems. In addition to this, when you are praying always pay attention to your thoughts and correlate it to the fruits of the sprite which are love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Galatians 5:22-23. Anything outside this, is the enemy attacking your mind because in his domain reside anger, hatred, menace, and gossip, etc.

I want to pray with your right now, before that I would love to hear some of your turbulences and how did you get out from it.

I pray may who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty deliver you from all turbulences IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME. AMEN.

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